VM/Container/Cloud Overview (History and Differentiation Talk)

Wednesday August 29, 2018 11:10am – 12:40pm
Room 204
Room 204
What the heck is a hypervisor? Why are there so many of them? What is a container and all the related bits and pieces? Why would we want to use them? And what is Metal-as-a-Service, Infrastructure-as-a-service, Platform-as-a-Service, or Storage-a-a-S, or all the other *aaS? How about OPNFV and Cloud Foundry? What do I need to know and how does this all fit together? This presentation will answer these questions.

Phil Hopkins
Linux Foundation Instructor, Linux Foundation
Phil Hopkins currently is an instructor for the Linux Foundation. He has been involved with the Openstack Documentation team. having submitted serveral documentation contributions, Phil has helds a number of industry certifications including that of a Red Hat Certified Architect. He has worked in a number of roles including that of Linux Systems Administrator, Network Adminsitrator and IT Manager.